Well, you’ve done it. You have that one-page cheat sheet ready to rock and roll. It’s a PDF. It’s strategic. It’s glorious. Now what?
First, I want you to go over to your autoresponder and create a new list. This list is going to be called “the (whatever you named your business) newsletter.”
So for example, if you called your online business, Super Smash Leads, then you would call this list The Super Smash Leads Newsletter.
This list is going to be the place you collect warm organic leads. Next, we need to build a couple of pages on that website, you acquired…
We need two pages.
Get on your website and create two pages. A lead capture page and a bridge page. Just name them something associated with your free cheat sheet.
For example, if you had a free cheat sheet called:
5 Mysteries of TRAFFIC Revealed (For your quick results!)
Then maybe you call these pages:
Call them whatever you want, but make sure you can relate the pages back to the offer, and make sure they are fairly short and easy to remember.
Now we need to build the actual pages out.
First, we need to create this lead capture page. It’s basically just a page where people can enter their email, in exchange for something free that you give them.
How you build this page is going to be a little different depending on what you are using for a website. If you are using your own hosting and WordPress you might use a free page building plugin like Elementor.
If you are using a free option like Wix, you will probably be using their internal page builder.
No matter how you are doing it, what you need on this lead capture page will be the same.
I want you to think simple. Don’t cloud this page up with a bunch of extra stuff here.
1. You need your headline.
1.1. It’s the same thing you tilted your cheat sheet.
1.2. The same phrase you used the title generator to find.
2. You need an opt-in.
2.1. This opt-in is the place where people are going to enter their email addresses in exchange for the free cheat sheet.
2.2. This opt-in will be connected to your autoresponder. In most cases, you can actually create this opt-in form inside your autoresponder and embed it on your page.
2.3. This opt-in will be connected to the new list you just created for warm organic leads. So when they enter their email and join your list, they will go on your “warm organic” list.
2.4. When you create the opt-in form, you will have to decide where you want the person to go after they opt in. Set it to where they will go to your bridge page after they opt-in.
3. You need to test the lead capture page.
3.1. Be sure to actually test your lead capture page and make sure it is working. Make sure that when you enter an email address, the email address is actually showing up on your list.
3.2. Make sure that when you enter an email, you are actually transferred to the bridge page.
Congratulations. You now have a lead capture page set up.
Now you need to build out that bridge page.
Again this will adopt the same simple style as your lead capture page. Here’s what you want on the Bridge page:
1. A headline saying: “Thanks for Checking Out [title of cheat sheet]
2. A picture of you (rapport building.) If a picture of yourself makes you uncomfortable you could use a cartoon-style avatar or make a cover for your cheat sheet and use that.
3. A simple message letting them know that their free cheat sheet is on its way to their email inbox right now. (this way of delivering the free asset will cut down on fake emails)
Later we’ll come back to this page, and add to this message, but for now, this is enough. Just a simple instruction on how they get their free thing.
NOTE: On day 3 I recommended an online tool that creates everything for you in less than 3 minutes from cheat sheet creation, converting to PDF format, and finally your landing page creation. Just check out my #1 recommended tool below…
Woah, hey…
You’ve been working a little bit. Great job getting these two pages set up.
On day 5, we are going to be doing a little writing, but don’t worry, it’s going to be pretty painless and 100% necessary. For now though…
Give yourself a pat on the back and call it a day. Most people don’t make it even this far.
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